Make Better Decisions for your Housing Co-op with Data-Driven Reports

21 May 2024

Co-op members serving on the board of directors have a big responsibility. They’ve been entrusted to make decisions, but knowing how and why to make certain decisions isn’t always easy.  

To make well-informed choices, it’s important to have all data and facts in front of you. And that same information is critical when you’re explaining decisions to the rest of your members. 

That’s why the Agency has a suite of different reports to help board members better understand the data behind their co-op.   

By comparing your data with other co-ops, pointing out potential hazards and presenting your financials in plain language, board members will be well-equipped with the information they need to make the right decisions.  

For co-ops that are not under CMHC programs that the Agency administers, we provide these reports through our Annual Health Check fee-for-service.  

To learn more, check out this video on how the Agency’s reports can help guide your co-op to building a better community.  

Tip of the Month

Infectious Arrears

In co-ops where board members are behind on their housing charges, the amount all members owe is almost four times higher than in co-ops where board members pay on time. This number speaks for itself.