Protecting the Environment

Exterior photo of Bain Apartments
Partners in Your Success
Waste is expensive and bad for the planet. Make choices that will sustain the natural world and your co-op’s future.

This world is the only one we have. Investing in sustainability will save your co-op money and protect future generations too.

Check out ideas from the Agency, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and others that will help reduce your co-op’s footprint. Investments that pay returns to the environment could also pay returns to your co-op.


Sustainable Affordable Housing Resources

Model Environmental Sustainability Policy


Information Sheet - Energy Audits


Green Building Products and Materials


Information Sheet: Heat Pumps


Regional Energy Coaches Pilot Program



Tip of the Month

Vacancy Loss

The number of Agency clients reporting vacancy losses of more than $250 per unit per year has fallen 50% since 2007. While vacancy rates are local, these numbers show good management.