Grants and loans come and go, as government priorities change at the federal, provincial and municipal levels. Those that support environmental sustainability in not-for-profit housing are no different. Opportunities can change without notice, so when you discover one, go for it right away.

Please watch the Resources space below for information on current grants for environmental sustainability.
Small grants are available annually through the Greener Co-op Microgrant program, administered by the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada). This fund comprises the pooled carbon offsets contributed by several housing organizations. Application follow-up and reporting are simple and easy.
Because the fund is small and very popular, co-ops find they need to plan their project well in advance of the date when CHF Canada makes the announcement. Then they apply right away.
Visit ENERGY STAR’S website for information on product rebates and incentives. Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) lists energy-saving opportunities by province.
The tech savvy may wish to try NRC’s energy modelling software. It can help you reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and operating costs.