Protecting the Environment

Partners in Your Success
Waste is expensive and bad for the planet. Make choices that will sustain the natural world and your co-op’s future.
This world is the only one we have. Investing in sustainability will save your co-op money and protect future generations too.
Check out ideas from the Agency, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and others that will help reduce your co-op’s footprint. Investments that pay returns to the environment could also pay returns to your co-op.
Sustainable Affordable Housing Resources
Model Environmental Sustainability Policy
Efficiency Capital Services Brochure
Information Sheet - Energy Audits
Green Building Products and Materials
Information Sheet: Heat Pumps
9 January 2024
Efficient Comfort: Understanding Heat Pumps
In the face of climate change, our decisions on heating and cooling have never been more critical. The need for both...
3 August 2023
New Funding Available to Support Energy Efficiency
There’s good news for co-ops who are looking to move forward on their path to sustainability and better energy...