Plant a Garden

Hand painted bird houses at Westwood Place housing co-operative

Even a modest property can look beautiful when it includes colourful gardens and mature trees. People will want to live there and the co-op’s neighbours will love you.

Some co-ops have generous outdoor common space with plenty of room for a community garden. Others were built almost to the lot line, but may be able to create a roof garden.

Once again, the key is planning, especially if you have a green roof in mind. In that case, the first person your co-op should speak to—even before a garden designer—is an engineer. 

A property that is landscaped and cared for invites members to enjoy it together. Add a community garden and you may even have produce to share. If that seems too ambitious, try growing some herbs!

Tip of the Month

Infectious Arrears

In co-ops where board members are behind on their housing charges, the amount all members owe is almost four times higher than in co-ops where board members pay on time. This number speaks for itself.