Protect Your Assets

Aerial shot of a housing co-operative

Your co-op has three main assets, although only one appears on the audited financial statements.

Your money and buildings

Protect your co-op‘s property by buying the right insurance in the right amounts. All housing co-ops need five kinds of insurance:  property, loss of housing charges, public liability, bonding, loss of housing charges and directors’ and officers’ liability coverage. Co-ops in some parts of Canada need to be sure their property insurance includes earthquake coverage. See our Q&A for more information.

Your co-op’s members and staff

A suite of insurance programs for employees and co-op residents is available from the Co‑operative Housing Federation of Canada. Advice is also available for members on staying safe and healthy within the co-op.

Your reputation

A good reputation makes it easier to recruit new members and attract quality suppliers. Keeping up your property, both inside and out, tending quickly and fairly to member concerns and complaints, treating your staff with respect and paying your bills on time all contribute.

Q&A on Insurance for Housing Co-operatives


Good Practices in Reducing Insurance Costs

Tip of the Month

Directors in Arrears

8% of Agency clients have board members in arrears. Good work, especially in a COVID year. In 2007,  28% reported director arrears.